HINARI licence terms.
2. Put a link to HINARI on your institution’s or library’s website.
If you have a website, then please put links to HINARI on it! The URL to link to with information about HINARI is http://www.who.int/hinari/. The URL to link to for direct access to the journals and databases is http://extranet.who.int/hinari/journals.php.
Remember that you must not put thepassword anywhere on the website or wider
internet. This would be in breach of the HINARI licence terms.
Be proactive in passing on information about HINARI and how to use it to other members of your institution. Informing your clients or colleagues about HINARI and the resources available
through it can be done informally or formally and it can start, for example, with a 5 minute visit to a lecturer’s/colleague’s office where you just show them how to retrieve one article from start to finish, or it could be a 3 hour, 1 day or 2 day full workshop. In some cases you may even be able to include a few hours of HINARI training in an existing Module for students. It is important to maximize on available time and remember; no time is too little to teach someone something new about HINARI! Many libraries and information services have organized successful training workshops using online training materials which include presentations and workbooks.
Workshops can range from one hour to one day, depending on your audience. Perhaps start with
a one-hour orientation for faculty. Remember that websites are constantly changing so it’s
important to keep up-to-date with what’s new.
There are a number of training modules for using HINARI available to download from our website, or you can order them on CD-ROM. These modules have been field-tested by librarians and information managers from 16 developing countries and are constantly being updated. The next update will be at the beginning of May and will include many revisions as well as suggested
marketing strategies for HINARI. The training material can be used by both librarians and
researchers either individually or in groups. To download the training materials, visit:
We have produced some attractive and informative posters and leaflets which you can put on the walls or distribute in your library, staffroom or in the medical department. These are available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Russian. You can print copies from the website here: http://www.who.int/hinari/training/
6. Download the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.
In order to read the PDF full-text of journal articles you should have the latest software. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader version 7 for free from here
configuring Adobe Acrobat Reader version 7:
2) Select the 'Internet' category
3) Ensure all the 'Web Browser Options' (listed below) are checked
o Display PDF in Browser
o Allow fast web view
o Allow speculative downloading in the background
If you experience problems when accessing HINARI, it may be because you are working on a
cached version of our home page stored in your computer or on your local network. The first
thing you can do is refresh your screen by clicking on "Refresh" button on your Internet browser tool bar. This may help resolve the problem. Also, if your internet is fast then it doesn’t matter if you have many pages open at the same time. However, for those with slow connections we
suggest that you have only HINARI open when doing a search.
Many publisher platforms provide email table of content alerts (sometimes called E-ToCs) for
their journals free of charge. This means that the latest contents list for each new issue would be
delivered to you by email, enabling you to keep up-to-date without having to check each journal. You can register for these alerts on the publisher sites.